Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Class 3: Starting the Rules

Today we worked on starting to devlop the formal rules for our game as well as play testing our game. For the rules we looked the rules of similar games like Clue Suspect, to see how best to model our game's rules. We got some good ideas for formatting our rules and even used some similar terms in order to write the rules to make them more interesting and easier to read. We discussed ways to present our final rules and decided that we would use panels with images and color to make them look visually interesting. We decided that the suitable age frame for our game would be 8+ since it is a game meant for adults. Additionally we discussed a tagline for our game that would serve as a catchphrase that would make people want to play the game.
We spent some time play testing our game today which provided to be somewhat challenging since the game is meant for 6 or 8 players and there is only 4 of us. However it was still incredibly useful as it gave us all a better idea of what the game was meant to be and how it was meant to be played.  It also gave us ideas on how to make the game more feasible as we decided to get rid of repeating cards.

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